Wednesday, September 14, 2011

File Folder Games

File folder games are super easy to make, and a fun way to extend on basic skills. I made a few matching games to help the toddlers with the concept.

Here are examples of a shamrock match, a flower match, and colored pumpkins. (The last one was a good for colors too!)

Another file folder game that I made awhile ago was a dinosaur game board. I lightly drew a dinosaur shape and then glued on small pieces of paper. The goal for this game was to help with counting. The children roll a die, count the number of circles, and move that many spaces.

I used this activity with preschoolers and some had a hard time with the fact that they "didn't win." This opened an opportunity to discuss good sportsmanship :)

Toodles :o)

Counting Cards and Frogs

At a local dollar store, I found plastic frogs that I thought would be fun to use with the counting cards I recently made.

I bought two packs of the frogs. They can also be used for sorting colors, matching together, making patterns, etc.

I made the counting cards in MS Paint, simply by typing numbers and the word, making circles, and drawing a rectangle.

I only printed numbers one through five to use with the toddlers. They loved it!

Some things I would change would be to make more durable cards (such as printing on cardstock and using the heavy duty laminate) and also buying different plastic creatures to count with!

Toodles :o)